How to Apply For FEMA Hurricane Helene in Florida

A press release by FEMA on September 29, 2024, stated that the residents of Florida, both homeowners and renters in 17 counties, who had uninsured Damage or losses caused by Hurricane Helene, may be eligible for FEMA disaster assistance. So, in this tutorial, I will guide you through applying for FEMA Assistance for those affected by Hurricane Helene in Florida.  

How to Apply For FEMA  Hurricane Helene in Florida

Note: Homeowners and renters in the states listed below can apply.

Charlotte, Citrus, Dixie, Franklin, Hernando, Hillsborough, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lee, Levy, Madison, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Taylor and Wakulla counties.

Details You'll Need When  Applying

  • SSN Number 
  • First and last name
  • DOB
  • RDP or any Good VPN 
  • Create an email matching your SSN details
  • Google Voice Number or Text Now number from the given address below
  • Bank Account or RN or AN matching the SSN.
  • Hight that appears on your DL

Step-by-step Guide To Apply for FEMA Assistance in Florida After Hurricane Helene

Two possible ways to apply for this assistance are through their official website, the mobile app, or by contacting their helpline toll-free at 800-621-3362. We will use their website to benefit from this method, so let's get started.

1. Set your IP to Florida and check to see if your address is clean.

2. Then go to, and on the menu bar, click on Disaster & Assistance

3.Choose Any of these Assistance

3. Click Apply for Assistance

4. Tap on Apply Now

5. Solve the robot captcha. 

6. Enter the Florida State Info here

7. Select any of the Hurricanes that pops up and click on Next

8. Your area affected will automatically appear, then click on Next

9. Select Home damage, Personal Property, Food, Essential Utilities, Home access, Lodging expenses and home safety items as the assistance you are applying for.

10. They will ask about your home or personal property damage; select "This is my primary home. I have lived here more than 6 months."

11. On the Review page, simply click on Next.

12. As we did for Texas Hurricane Beryl, they will automatically set your date.

13. With the type of Damage, select everything apart from "Seepage" and "other Damage not listed here."

14. Agree to the Terms and click on Sign in or Create an Account.

15. Now go ahead and click on Create an account.

16. Enter the necessary address info

17. Then choose the address where the Damage occurred. It can be any of the addresses that pop up on your dashboard.

18. If they ask the extent of your Damage, choose Major Damage.

19. Please select "No; I can't because of flooding or road damage" and "No " with the question under lodging.

20. If you need help with moving and storage expenses after the disaster, select "Yes."

21. Select just as you see in the following screenshot.

22. With the Essential utilities, choose Yes, for both 

23. Home Insurance: Select "I don't have a home or personal property insurance."

24. For Occupant, don't do anything, just skip

25. Choose the exact answers here, as I have selected.

26. In this section, you can play with the household pre-disaster annual income amount, but it should be at least 25k. The remaining answer can be the same as you see in the screenshot.

27. Choose Direct Deposit and enter the bank details where you would want to receive the benefit money.

28. Put up just as you see in the following screenshot.

29. In the disability section, select the following

30. In this section, Choose. I don't have any other needs

31. Choose your race and proceed

32. Then pick your gender, No for a tribal nation, and the level of education.

33. Submit It and wait for the feedback


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